Hello, I'm Don Bernard and I'd like to welcome you to Virtual Vidiot. I've been designing websites and creating media for web, print and video in Silicon Valley since 1986. Currently I perform routine IT services for many local businesses and some major Internet companies including Linked In, Amazon, Twitter, Symantec and Netflix. (OK enough name dropping!) Starting out as a Laser and Electronics Technician in the 80's, I soon changed my career to the new computer industry and became what was known as a "Super Technician". Next I moved to electrical. design and manufacturing engineering of computer systems. Eventually I moved to quality manufacturing engineering then to Quality Manager for Acer America and Director of Quality for Synnex Information Technologies. While I was tenured by these companies I was responsible for all quality groups, document control and ISO 9000 Quality Management as Lead Auditor and Company Representative. Most importantly, in this period we produced nearly 5 million computer and server systems as a OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for companies such as HP, Compaq, Apple, Dell, Sun Micro systems and IBM (So I dropped a few more) with low process fallout and high customer satisfaction. And successfully passed all of our ISO Audits. Along the way I learned programming, databases, networking, Internet and various media software skills as a requirement for the testing, data collection, document control and training processes I was responsible for. I began creating in-process data collection, informational and online training resources on our company intranets. Greatly improving the manufacturing process by providing real-time process information and analysis. This is where I acquired most of my basic web development. graphic design, audio, video, 3D modeling and other multimedia skills. Including building content management systems using HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL databases and Wordpress. In 1998 began building websites and providing both web and print marketing and advertising media for local business and organizations around San Jose and the South Bay Area. Internationally I provide web services to non-profit organizations in Ireland and Mexico. Most advertising media was printed in San Jose Mercury News and Silicon Valley Community Newspapers and others used for marketing and informational brochures, business cards and company logos. I found many small business and organizations that could not afford a staff (or even have an employee) to create and maintain a website, create media, update content, provide administration for users and members, setup e-commerce or…